Audits and Safety Measures

Code Audits and Security Measures in TheStandard Protocol

At TheStandard, we prioritize the security and reliability of our smart contracts above all else. To ensure the highest level of security, we employ a multi-layered auditing approach, leveraging the expertise of three distinct and highly respected auditing entities. This comprehensive strategy allows us to benefit from diverse perspectives and methodologies, significantly enhancing our ability to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.

Past Audits

Our Auditing Partners

1. Code Hawks: Crowd-Sourced Security Expertise

Code Hawks represents a revolutionary approach to smart contract auditing:

  • Competitive Auditing: Hundreds of white hat hackers compete to find vulnerabilities in our smart contracts.

  • Bounty System: Rewards are offered for discovering vulnerabilities, incentivizing thorough and creative security testing.

  • Diverse Perspectives: The crowd-sourced nature ensures our contracts are examined from multiple angles and expertise levels.

  • Continuous Improvement: Regular competitions keep our security measures up-to-date with the latest threats and techniques.

2. Cyfrin: Elite Smart Contract Auditing

Cyfrin stands at the forefront of professional smart contract auditing:

  • Senior Engineer Team: Comprised exclusively of senior engineers, ensuring top-tier expertise.

  • Chainlink Heritage: Founded by early Chainlink engineers, bringing deep blockchain and oracle knowledge.

  • Comprehensive Approach: Known for their thorough and meticulous auditing process.

  • Industry Leaders: Recognized as one of the best in the field, despite higher costs.

  • Proactive Security: Their expertise helps us anticipate and prevent potential security issues before they arise.

3. Rezolv: Specialized Smart Contract Security

Rezolv brings specialized expertise in smart contract security:

  • Focused Expertise: Specializes specifically in smart contract security auditing.

  • Proven Track Record: Distinguished themselves in the Code Hawks competitive audit by identifying critical vulnerabilities others missed.

  • Comprehensive Services: Offers a range of services aimed at enhancing both security and performance of smart contracts.

  • Solution-Oriented: Not only identifies vulnerabilities but also provides actionable solutions to address them.

  • Continuous Partnership: Ongoing relationship ensures our contracts remain secure as we evolve and expand.

Our Audit Process

Depending on the upgrade the DAO is rolling out, they will choose wich auditors to use.

  1. Initial Development: Our team develops smart contracts with security best practices in mind.

  2. Internal Review: Rigorous internal testing and review processes.

Get a quote on wich Auditor to use for the upgrade that is rolling out.

  1. Code Hawks Competition: Crowd-sourced audit to catch a wide range of potential issues.

  2. Cyfrin Audit: Comprehensive professional audit by senior engineers.

  3. Rezolv Specialized Review: Focused security audit with emphasis on critical vulnerabilities.

Resolution and Re-testing: Any identified issues are resolved and the contracts are re-tested.

Ongoing Monitoring: Continuous security checks and updates as needed.

Commitment to Transparency

We are committed to full transparency in our security processes:

  • All audit reports are made publicly available.

  • Any significant findings and their resolutions are communicated to the community.

  • We maintain an open bug bounty program for ongoing vulnerability reporting.

Last updated