πŸ‘‹Welcome to TheStandard.io

The next-generation of 0% interest DeFi borrowing

Welcome to TheStandard.io, the forefront of decentralized finance (DeFi) innovation. At TheStandard.io, we're reshaping the DeFi space with a focus on empowering users through DeFi Borrowing, offering a novel approach to accessing financial resources. Our mission is to redefine how individuals interact with their assets, offering a pathway to financial freedom without the traditional constraints of lending and borrowing.

TheStandard tip: Have a look around! log in with your web3 wallets and click around. It's a great way to get familiar with the decentralized app.

What is TheStandard Protocol?

TheStandard protocol introduces revolutionary free and open source DeFi Borrowing smart contracts that enables users to mint stablecoins against their collateralized assets. This process allows for 0% interest borrowing, emphasizing user empowerment and asset control. By removing traditional lending from the equation, we ensure that users retain full ownership and decision-making power over their assets while accessing the liquidity they need.

Key Features

  • Smart Vaults: At the core of TheStandard.io are our Smart Vaults, designed to securely manage your collateralized assets. These vaults provide the flexibility to adjust your collateral without impacting your borrowing status, offering a secure and innovative approach to DeFi Borrowing.

  • Community-Driven Governance: The governance of TheStandard.io is in the hands of our users through the Standard Token (TST). This ensures a decentralized governance structure that reflects the true interests and needs of our community.

  • Stability and Liquidity: Our protocol is built to ensure the stability and liquidity of minted stablecoins, maintaining their peg and reliability as both a medium of exchange and a store of value.

  • A Vibrant Community: The heart of TheStandard.io is its communityβ€”a dynamic group of users, developers, and DeFi enthusiasts committed to driving the platform forward. Together, we're not just users; we're pioneers in a financial revolution.

πŸ’‘Key Features✨Disclaimer

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our product quickly and easily.

Last updated